sábado, 29 de junho de 2024


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Linha de Ação (2013) · Dublado Português


NASA encomenda rebocador espacial para destruir Estação Espacial Internacional


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Computadores inspirados no cérebro conseguirão mesmo destronar a concorrência?


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NASA encomenda rebocador espacial para destruir Estação Espacial Internacional


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Diário da SaúdeNotícias mais lidas da semana

sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2024

ESSA É A MAIOR PADARIA DE SÃO PAULO-maior padaria da América Latina-CEPA...

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Are you ready to be a hero for animals today?


Time is running out to triple your impact!

The Humane Society of the United States

Photo by the HSUS


Candace Owens's EXPOSED | Antisemite or Just Ignorant?


Our Youtube channel just passed 200,000 subscribers! >>Click here if you haven't subscribed yet. 

Candace Owens's EXPOSED | Antisemite or Just Ignorant?

Since Candace Owens returned to the internet with her new brand and podcast a few weeks ago, she wasted no time in making her anti-Israel, anti-Jewish positions known far and wide. From hosting guests on her show who tout outrageous lies and blood libels, to promoting the falsehood that the Jewish people claim Jewish supremacy, it is clear that she is anti-Israel.

The question is, does this make her an anti-semite? To be clear, anti-semitism is Jew-hatred. Anti-Zionism also equals anti-semitism, since by definition, Zionism is the idea that the Jewish people should be able to live and thrive in their historic homeland. If you don’t believe the Jewish people have a right to their homeland, that makes you an anti-semite.

In today's video, we’re going to take a deep dive into the position that is becoming increasingly popular amongst so-called conservative Americans. They claim they are simply asking questions, or that they are America-first, that they love the Jewish people, and are pro-Israel. Deep down however, their rhetoric is leading us down an all too familiar road, one that the Jewish people have seen for thousands of years. 

We’ll get into all of this on today’s episode.

Substância produzida por fungos combate o biofilme que causa cárie dental


  Últimas notícias do Diário da Saúde - 28 de Junho de 2024
Apenas um em cada 20 estudos feitos em animais é aprovado para uso humano

Apenas 5% das terapias e candidatos a novos medicamentos testados em cobaias alcançam aprovação regulatória para uso em humanos. Leia mais...

Ser otimista diminui vontade de adiar as tarefas por fazer

Surpreendentemente, não foi encontrada uma relação entre a procrastinação e visões negativas sobre o bem-estar. Leia mais...

Substância produzida por fungos combate o biofilme que causa cárie dental

Cientistas brasileiras descobriram uma técnica simples e rápida para evitar a formação das cáries dentais. Leia mais...

Psicólogos redefinem o que é um hábito e como mudá-lo

A Psicologia tende a retratar todos os comportamentos estáveis como hábitos, mas parece que não é bem assim. Leia mais...

Plantas ajudam a tornar fórmulas para bebês tão nutritivas quanto leite maternoP

"Já que as plantas já têm esse metabolismo, por que não tentamos redirecioná-las para produzir oligossacarídeos do leite humano?" Leia mais...

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How we helped wild animals and their habitats in June.

 ’ donations are making an impact from Asia to Africa.

Animal Survival International<info@animalsurvival.org>
Sex, 28/06/2024 12:27

How we helped wild animals and their habitats in June.



As we reach the midway point of 2024, there is both good and bad news for wildlife. Droughts, heatwaves and wildlife crime continue to pose a threat to animals everywhere – but at the same time, much is being done to safeguard precious species and ecosystems.
After protracted deliberations, the European Union approved its Nature Restoration Law this month, an unprecedented regulation that aims to increase biodiversity and restore the continent’s damaged ecosystems. And, through the continued support of our donors, we have been able to improve the lives of wild animals in the greatest need.
Here is how our supporters helped us change and save wild animals’ lives in June.

Thailand, Phetchaburi  

Supporting the hard-won retirement of elderly elephant Pai Lin

Credit: Amy Jones/Moving Animals
Pai Lin, an elderly Asian elephant, was forced to endure 60 years of hard labor in Thailand. With few laws protecting them, Thai elephants are considered livestock, and are traded and forced to work for their entire lives. 
By the time she was rescued by our partner, Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), Pai Lin’s body bore the scars of six decades of suffering, and her spine was completely deformed – most likely the result of being used in tourist camps, carrying up to six tourists at a time on her back.
Pai Lin was WFFT’s first rescued elephant, and at 75, she is their oldest. The major cost of rescuing wild animals is their lifelong care, with elephants eating up to 660 pounds (300 kilograms) of food every day – and we desperately wanted to help give Pai Lin the retirement she deserves. Through our supporters’ donations, we have been able to send WFFT enough funds to purchase almost 200 tons of delicious and nutritious food and treats, feeding Pai Lin and their other rescued elephants for two months.
Thank you for showing sweet Pai Lin and her friends true human compassion – something they have experienced very little of during their difficult lives.

Read the original article. 

South Africa, Tzaneen  

Raising funds for a life-saving mobile clinic for pangolins

Credit: ASI/Taryn Slabbert
Every year, as many as 100 trafficked pangolins, including newborn infants and wounded mothers, are taken in by our partner, Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre in South Africa. It is because of the success of anti-poaching operations that pangolins are rescued from the hands of cruel poachers, but often the animals are in an atrocious state, barely clinging to life.
Time is of the essence for these creatures, and the quicker they can receive treatment, the better their chances of survival. A mobile pangolin clinic will enable our partner to provide treatment on-site, rather than transporting pangolins for up to hours at a time before they can administer vital care. The mobile clinic is also critical to careful, successful release into protected wild areas.
With our donors’ support, we have been able to fund a significant portion of this mobile clinic, and will keep you posted on its progress.
Read the original article. 

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No matter its size, a cat is still a catWatch rescue leopard Gabriel playing with a box in his forever home at Panthera Africa in South Africa. YOU helped get him there! 
Credit: Panthera
Phabeni the orphaned elephant calf is thriving in South Africa, thanks to your support. See the gorgeous photos of this special soul.
Credit: HERD
Thank you for helping to fund the relocation of a critical wildlife sanctuary in Lao, Asia, where animal trafficking is a critical concern. See how your support is giving hope to hundreds of rescued animals.
Credit: LCTW
Just look at the incredible transformation of these rescued tigers and leopards in Thailand, from skin-and-bone to sunshine and peace. 
Credit: WFFT
Rescue lions Sara and Najla are loving life in their sanctuary in South Africa – and you helped make it happen! 
Credit: Lions Foundation
Here is our anti-poaching partner in Zimbabwe, Bumi Hills Anti-Poaching Unit (BHAPU), removing illegal snares and fishing lines, and stopping poachers in their tracks, thanks to your support.
Credit: BHAPU
WATCHRhino calf daisy continues to go from strength to strength in South Africa. She could not have done it without the support of compassionate animal lovers. 
Credit: CFW/ASI
My, how they’ve grown! Issam and Kelly, traumatized lion cubs rescued from the illegal pet trade in the Middle East, are thriving in the safety of their sanctuary in South Africa
Credit: Drakenstein Lion Park
Our Nigerian partner, Greenfingers Wildlife Conservation Initiative, recently helped save five stricken turtlesSee how they did it here.
Credit: GWCI

From the News Desk

At ASI, we stay abreast of the latest wildlife conservation news so we can keep you informed on the most critical issues surrounding animals today.

Elephants call each other by name, study finds. Read more.

Over a fifth of Greece’s wildlife are critically endangered. Read more.

Click for more of our latest climate, environment, and wildlife news.   

Saving animals and the planet,

Caught in a snare, ‘Najam’ the lioness suffered horribly for FOUR DAYS. We can save wild animals from snares. <u><strong>Please, will you help us</u>?</strong>

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S: CID MARCOS, every time we make a difference for wild animals, it is thanks to our donors. Please continue to support and share our work, so we can keep helping those who need us most.
Please help by making a donation now!
Banner credit: WFFT
News Items: Image 1, 2 & 3: Stock  
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